D. Hale Rambo

Wanderer Portal

Anything that seems a little too inventive and magical is probably from The Court of Copper. Hope you didn’t get it in a bind. They

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While I don’t suggest this page for most skimmers I have to say I’m a bit biased. Being from Rise, sometimes I forget the wonder

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a blog image for the Keen blog that features a large fox on a grassy hill

Keen Keen wanted her to, and he was a clever pup.Not really a pup anymore. Skinny glanced down at his large red furry head nestled

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Featured image for a blog post about the character Skinny with a forest scene with trees and sunlight peaking through

Her attention to the land and the continent as a whole makes her an excellent outside guide to it. Nickname: Ronin, Skinny. Age as of

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Changebearer. Major Deity of Kairas

I will remake this world however I see fit, in great and small ways. Mortals may plead for constancy, but transformation is the only true

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Wild. Major Deity of Kairas

Mortals craft such order and restraint for themselves – I simply must come along and stir things up now and then! What fun is there

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In ROUTES Skinny and the, affectionally called, trio of Zizy, Laysa, Pace make their way through fantastical cities and meet quirky enemies and allies alike.

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Curious Muse. Major Deity of Kairas

May you be forever inquisitive in nature. ~ typical Muse worshipper saying Name: Curious Muse, Moraa (a.k.a My Muse) Divine Domains: Enlightenment, Liberation, Magic. Holy

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The green book cover for Routes of a Ranger, book 3 in the adventure fantasy series A Series of Decisions on Kairas by D. Hale Rambo.

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