While I don't suggest this page for most skimmers I have to say I'm a bit biased. Being from Rise, sometimes I forget the wonder and beauty that is our floating home. But don't quote me on that.
~Fiona Thorne

Alternative Name(s)
Much of the world is mundane except for the floating islands tethered to the mountainous flat plateau in the center of the world. The islands of land masses stay still but the rise shifts and rotates around it giving the page its name. Although most know it simply as Rise.
It is unknown how the lands float or why the mountainous rise in the middle does not. But by the grace of Larrakane it has remained this way for thousands of years.
Considered a very mundane, and what some conceive as a lesser page, in The Book.
Areas of Restless Rise
The People of Restless Rise
In the Rise, page turners are seen akin to royalty and even those in lower houses or among the lower populace were advanced into noblier society. Being a Turners was a gift that rippled out to others. And a curse to some who lost their place.
Find out more about Restless Rise in book 3, PRESSED.