D. Hale Rambo

Zizy blog image with crystals.

Zizy Zakar, Gnome Rogue

Zizy Zakar

“Yeah.” Zizy stared through the leaves at the night sky and thought of heroic deeds as Laysa began to read again. She doubted any of the things she’d done would be worth writing down. Certainly nothing heroic. She couldn’t compete with a story. Not with the mess her life was in.

Nickname: NA

Age as of 1142 AS: 52

Height: 2’ 3”

Hair Color: Ruby

Favorite Pastime: giving people nicknames; pickpocketing

Preferred Reading: body language (all the better to read a ‘mark’)

Family: Parents: mother and father; Aunt: Emba Zaker

Belief: The Trickster, Rove (but Agnostic)

Motive: to belong, to be accepted, to have fun

Dream Vacation: anywhere that has running water, bathtubs, and wealth

What Brings Her Joy: bathtubs, full pockets, Laysa

The Zakar family value their heritage as gnomes of the second generation of The Trickster’s Children. In this expectant environment, Zizy was taught reading, writing, and history by her parents. When learning magic from her father, Zizy barely learned to turn invisible before losing interest.

The Zakar family value their heritage as gnomes of the second generation of The Trickster’s Children. In this expectant environment, Zizy was taught reading, writing, and history by her parents. When learning magic from her father, Zizy barely learned to turn invisible before losing interest.

Zizy remained uninterested, or unable, to make much progress in her magical education, failing to use magic on command. Taking this as a personal affront, Emba publicly criticized her niece and imprisoned her for a week. This negative treatment and forced isolation by a trusted parental figure is certain to have impacted Zizy emotionally.

Zizy seems to learn best out of necessity or when she has a personal goal in mind. This perhaps explains her proficiency in picking pockets, a skill she picked up at some point during her stay in Hadu. However, her personal code of honor sees her target only those who can afford to have their pockets lightened. 

A sense of self-preservation has honed Zizy’s ability to charm new people as does her genuine enjoyment of “getting rowdy”. However, the true test of a potential friendship is acceptance. Zizzy has a unique emotional response to certain stimuli, expressing intense excitement at certain mundane activities or seeming to show no emotion when expected to be sad. This is normal for her.*

A lifetime of not being accepted could explain why her loyalty is hard-won and thus her first instinct is to run when things get tough. Zizy’s girlfriend, Laysa of the Tall Wheat, receives a majority of this rare loyalty. Nevertheless,  Zizy is not beyond lying to those she loves. 

If Zizy turns on the charm, watch your pockets but never ignore her, because her revenge is swift but her heart is in the right place.

Recorded on 1142 AS by:   Scholar Carmela

*Private note: This behavior has been exhibited by other people, although not typical in the majority of the population. Acceptance is key. – SC

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